The labor 0rganization built by Peer Supporters for Supporters

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Pure Support: more than a name, a mission.

We are a labor organization ensuring that employees with barriers get treated equitably by supplying impacted people with the support they need. Understanding the barriers that workers face leads us to solutions.

Our focus areas include

Our goal is to reach agreements that are fair for both the workers and the employers.

Creating Unity

Pure Support organizes events and activities to bring workers together to create a sense of unity. These activities include

We help workers find their voice in the workplace and advocate for their rights.

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Empowering Through Connection:

We value fairness; defined as treating everyone with equality - not equally. Respect and kindness are at the heart of all things we do. We strive to hear all voices and learn from each other to help all of us grow.

Our goal is to educate all workers as to their rights, entitlements, and opportunities to grow. Each worker should be set up for success and, together, we can remove the barriers in their way.

We believe in Peer Support and want to work together with professionals and organizations to show how important it is in providing care.

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Head over to our donation page if you wish to show additional support